An experienced attorney, like the skilled Auto Accident Lawyers Indianapolis, IN trust, devote a good deal of their practice to representing victims injured in rear-end collisions. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), rear-end crashes account for approximately one-third of all collisions.
In a study conducted by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), the factors contributing to fatal rear-end crashes in light vehicles and motorcycles were analyzed. Here are some of their findings:
- In 27 of the 38 cases reviewed, the speed of the striking vehicle was the primary factor contributing to the fatalities.
- The highest secondary factor contributing to 18 (48%) of 38 fatalities was the size of the striking vehicle in relationship to the lead vehicle; thirteen or 37% of the cases involved truck-trailer underride.
- The highest secondary event contributing to the fatalities was the involvement of multiple vehicles in 4 of the cases; followed by the third highest event of post-crash fire in 3 of the cases studied.
- In fourteen of the thirty-eight cases reviewed (37%), alcohol was a significant factor.
- Improper restraint was responsible for the fatalities in 11.4% of the cases studied with the size of the lead vehicle (similar size or smaller than) relative to the striking vehicle
- A medical condition accounted for one occupant’s death or .03%.
Based upon the data assessment, NHTSA concluded deployment of collision warning systems in future vehicles would save lives. Since this report was published, both front and rear warning systems are becoming standard equipment in all newer vehicles making our roads a much safer place to be.
Hire a Dedicated Car Accident Attorney
When you hire a car accident attorney who limits their legal practice to the recovery of compensation for injured clients, your claim may be worth much more than you realize. I am always taken aback when I hear from injured people who thought they could maximize their compensation by negotiating and settling their own injury claims. When matters become complex and start to go awry, people seek the counsel of competent legal representation.
An experienced car accident attorney has made injury law their life-study by staying current on local, state and federal legislation and regulations that may affect the financial recovery of their injured clients. A dedicated personal injury attorney studies current Court of Appeals and Supreme Court opinions to fully grasp the issues and evaluate the merits of each and every potential client’s claim. All cases differ by the facts. And unless you can put your trust into the hands of a skilled accident attorney, what you don’t know about the law and civil procedure may negatively affect your case.
Thanks to our friends and contributors from Ward & Ward Law Firm for their insight into car accident cases.