Have you fallen for the pressure cooker trend? Pressure cookers can be great kitchen appliances. You may have a lot of recipes that you use with your pressure cooker. Unfortunately, for a lot of people, pressure cookers have caused severe injuries. Pressure cookers contain hot food and liquid. When there is a malfunction, it can lead to catastrophic results. If you’ve been injured by your pressure cooker, here is what you need to know before you file a personal injury claim.

What Caused the Injury?

After you receive medical attention, it is crucial that you think about what caused the injury. Was it something that you did in error or was it a malfunction? If there are any product defects with the pressure cooker, then you may have a personal injury claim against the manufacturer of the pressure cooker.

Pressure cooker injuries can happen when the lid cannot seal properly. In addition, there are some cases where the pressure cookers exploded when someone tried to take the lid off of the cooker. When this happens, hot food and liquid sprays everywhere and can wind up severely injuring a person.

If there is a defect with the cooker, then it doesn’t matter if you do everything right. You could still be hurt. As long as you were not at fault, you can file a personal injury lawsuit against the manufacturer.

How Severe Is the Injury?

When it comes to personal injury law, the severity of the injuries matter. The reason that the severity matters is because the cost of your medical treatment is often aligned with how serious the injury was. The more serious, the more likely you are to receive a bigger settlement. This is because the more serious of an injury, the more likely you are to have extensive medical bills and possible lost wages. The most common injuries caused by pressure cookers are burns. These burns may come from the electricity or they may come because of the scalding liquid.

Once you receive medical treatment, you should seek help from a personal injury lawyer. Your lawyer is there to help you determine if you have a case and what your case is worth. For injuries caused by design defects or malfunctions, you may have a case against the manufacturer.