Motorcyclists are at an increased risk of suffering a collision compared to vehicle drivers. One of the most dangerous injuries a rider may endure is a traumatic brain injury. A TBI often requires emergency and extensive treatment, including being hospitalized. Sometimes, a traumatic brain injury leaves the motorcycle rider with impairments that are long-lasting. Here we answer some common questions about traumatic brain injuries including symptoms, treatments and how to help keep yourself out of harm’s way while on the road.

What are the symptoms of a traumatic brain injury (TBI)?

Traumatic brain injuries can happen if a motorcyclist hits their head on the pavement with blunt force or impact at the time of an accident. A traumatic brain injury can cause concussions or bodily and mental impairments. A few common symptoms of a TBI are listed as follows:

  • Losing consciousness for several minutes, to many hours
  • Confusion and lacking memory of recent events
  • Disorientation
  • Mental, physical & behavioral changes
  • Slurred speech
  • Difficulties reading and/or writing
  • Insomnia
  • Weight fluctuations
  • Irritability & depression

Why are motorcyclists at risk for a TBI?

Motorcyclists get onto the road with a much greater amount of vulnerability than car drivers. Vehicles have a metal shield that protects the driver and passengers. Motorcyclists do not have the luxury of a protective outer layer. If any impact were to happen, the riders body will most likely suffer some level of damage. Car drivers are frequently distracted while behind the wheel and are often not keeping an eye out for motorcyclists. Riders are more at risk for suffering a brain injury simply because of the nature of the motorcycle and the limited amount of physical protection a bike offers.

What are the treatments options?

Treatment options depend on how severe the brain injury. In minor injuries, the rider may only need to rest and take medication before feeling better. In more serious cases, surgery, physical therapy and rehabilitation for cognitive impairments may be needed.

How can a rider help prevent enduring a brain injury?

The most effective way to prevent a traumatic brain injury from happening to you while on your motorcycle, is to wear a helmet at all times. It seems simple, but unfortunately some riders still take the risk. Motorcyclists who use a helmet are much more likely to survive an accident. Also, using a helmet can reduce the intensity of a brain injury when compared to non-helmeted riders. Practice defensive riding, perform regular maintenance checks on your bike and stay alert. Do not ride while you are drowsy or irritable.

Are there emotional impacts after a motorcycle accident?

Therapy may be useful for many riders after a motorcycle accident. Depending on the severity of the event, the rider may be left feeling anxious, fearful, depressed and angry. These emotions should be worked through with the help of family, friends and a mental health professional. Treatment for emotional challenges following a TBI are an important component of overall recovery. Speak with an experienced attorney today such as the motorbike accident lawyer locals turn to about your options if you have been injured.