apartment accident lawyer Dekalb County GA

Apartment Accident Lawyer Dekalb County GA

Andrew R. Lynch, P.C. is a successful apartment accident lawyer Dekalb County GA injury victims turn to when they need justice. If you or a loved one was seriously injured in your apartment or apartment complex and it was not your fault, we want to hear from you. A Dekalb County apartment accident lawyer from our firm may be able to recover the damages you have suffered as a result of your tragedy. If the apartment management company or owner refuse to help you, contact us for a free consultation. We may be able to legally force the at-fault party to compensate you for your losses.

Common Types of Apartment Accidents Eligible for Compensation

Every apartment accident is unique because of the circumstances involved. When you work with an apartment accident lawyer in Dekalb County GA from our firm, every aspect of your case will be considered. Your legal options will be more clear after meeting with Andrew R. Lynch, P.C. who can review your situation. Here are some common scenarios of apartment accidents and how the victims might be compensated for their losses:

  • Fire. An apartment fire can start any number of ways: oil ignites on the stove, an unattended cigarette that falls onto a flammable surface, the list is long. However, the apartment management company or owner is legally responsible for ensuring that safety equipment is installed and working in the event of an emergency. If they have knowingly failed to have this equipment in workable condition, such as fire and smoke alarms, emergency hallway and stairwell lighting, emergency exit signage, etc. and a fire occurs, they can be held liable for any injuries or deaths that result. An apartment accident lawyer Dekalb County GA renters hire can file a personal injury claim or wrongful death suit on your behalf.
  • Slip and fall accident. Apartment building owners and managers have an obligation to make sure the residents are safe. This includes making sure that ice that forms in the parking lot and on walkways is salted, cleared, or otherwise managed to prevent a slip and fall accident. Likewise, stairs, flooring, and pool surfaces must be safely maintained and repaired within a reasonable period of time. Signs warning of hazards must be put into place when a hazard cannot immediately be addressed. Andrew R. Lynch, P.C. is an apartment accident lawyer Dekalb County GA locals can trust to ascertain who is responsible for paying your accident-related damages. He can file a claim on your behalf, and if necessary, represent you in court during a lawsuit.
  • Mold. Extensive mold, particularly in living areas, can be a serious health threat and has been linked to many types of illnesses. Treatment for mold-related illness can be frustratingly long and expensive. If your apartment has extensive mold which is often concealed behind walls and beneath floor coverings, and your apartment owner is aware, they are obligated to perform mold remediation immediately. If you believe anyone in your home is suffering from mold related illnesses, contact us immediately to confer with an apartment accident lawyer Dekalb County GA community members rely on for sound legal advice.

Call Andrew R. Lynch, P.C. today at (404) 373-7735 to speak with a knowledgeable apartment accident lawyer Dekalb County GA offers.

Understanding the Basics of Slip and Fall Accident Claims

Landlords and property owners have certain responsibilities when it comes to maintaining their buildings, their land and features on that land. For example, when weather conditions are dangerous, land and property owners have a legal duty to mitigate certain hazards associated with those weather conditions. In the depths of winter, even the South can be blanketed in frost, ice and the occasional snow. When this occurs, land and property owners are legally bound to take action to limit the slip and fall risks on any driveways and sidewalks that are used by tenants or the public. When land and property owners fail to take actions (that are both necessary and mandatory) in order to keep their tenants and visitors safe, they may generally be held accountable for any harm that may result. Therefore, if you have been injured while living or visiting an apartment and it is likely that the property owner should have prevented your accident, please contact an experienced DeKalb County, Georgia apartment accident lawyer today in order to explore your legal options.

Slip and Fall Accident Claims – The Basics

Slipping and falling on apartment property is no laughing matter. Falls can lead to serious injury and should therefore be prevented when possible. If an apartment owner is not properly maintaining common areas, sidewalks, driveways, etc. and someone is harmed after slipping and falling as a result, they may have grounds for a legal cause of action. Certainly, not every fall is an apartment owner’s fault. But legitimate claims against land and property owners are brought regularly after tenants and guests fall as a result of poor maintenance and other forms of negligence.

This area of law is complex. You may therefore be unsure of whether your fall is legally actionable. Thankfully, you do not have to ponder the answer to this question alone. Scheduling a risk-free consultation with an experienced DeKalb County, GA apartment accident lawyer can help you to clarify your situation. Once you better understand your legal options, you can make an informed decision concerning the path forward that is best for you right now.

Accident Claims Assistance Is Available

If you have slipped and fallen on apartment property, please schedule a consultation with an experienced DeKalb County, GA apartment accident lawyer today. The legal team at Andrew R. Lynch, P.C. – Attorney at Law has extensive experience helping individuals injured on apartment property secure compensation for their injuries. No two cases are exactly alike, so it is important to consult with a DeKalb County, GA apartment accident lawyer before making any assumptions about whether you have solid grounds for a case or not. The extent to which an apartment owner owes you a duty of care under the law just might surprise you.