Car Accident Lawyer

Those who live in heavily populated areas are well aware of the frustrations that come with heavy traffic. Heavy congestion on highways due to the high density of vehicles on the road are a normal occurrence during commuter hours. In fact, one of the most prevalent times for accidents to occur is during the commute ride home or, between the hours of 6PM-9PM. After work, commuters are racing home to make their afternoon and evening commitments. It’s no wonder the late afternoon hours are a time of day in which accidents are most likely to occur. Here are some tips drivers should adhere to when driving in heavy traffic areas:

Tip #1 Avoid Distracted Driving

According to reports from the NHTSA, distracted driving accounted for 3,400 fatalities in 2016 alone. When driving during rush hour, or in heavily congested areas, it’s important to reduce the number of distractions in the car. Traffic patterns, especially during rush hour can change in the blink of an eye. Before you realize it, traffic can come to a standing halt. Texting, handling your phone, or changing the radio station can cause your attention to be elsewhere.

Tip #2 Refrain From Aggressive Driving

Traffic can be incredibly frustrating, especially when stuck in traffic while in the process of trying to get home. Because of this, it can be easy to drive aggressively by cutting other drivers off or weaving in and out of traffic. Although driving this way may seem as though you are getting yourself to your destination faster, you are really only creating more problems with the flow of traffic and putting yourself at higher risk for an accident.

Tip #3 Keep a Safe Distance

It can be tempting to follow closely behind the vehicles ahead of you in efforts to inch closer down the interstate. Despite the temptation, it’s important to keep a safe distance from the cars ahead of you. Traffic can come to a sudden stop, making it difficult to stop in time. Additionally, stopping too quickly can result in a car behind you to strike the vehicle from behind. The most common rule of thumb is to keep yourself at least a three-second distance from drivers ahead of you.

Tip #4 Reduce Your Speed

Although traffic may be moving, albeit slowly, keep your speed at a reduced rate. The speed limit may indicate that you can drive 55 mph, but the traffic may not allow for it. Reducing your speed during heavily congested times is key. Doing so can give drivers the ability to quickly and appropriately respond when faced with traffic suddenly stopping or another vehicle pulling in front of you.

Tip #5 Look Ahead

Keep your eyes on the road, carefully paying attention to traffic patterns. Watching the traffic ahead, can help you to anticipate how you should be operating your vehicle. Observing brake lights ahead can be a good indicator that traffic may be coming to a halt ahead. This can provide you with plenty of time to reduce your speed or respond quickly.

More cars on the road have the ability to equate to a higher rate of accidents. Although there are certainly ways drivers can maneuver vehicles when faced with heavy traffic, sometimes, there is no way to avoid an accident. If you have experienced an accident, and believe the other driver was to blame, it may be a good idea to contact a car accident lawyer Milwaukee, WI trusts for their guidance. After a review of your case, they may be able to help in obtaining the compensation you deserve.  

Thank you to our friends and contributors at Hickey & Turim, SC for their insight into car accident cases and tips for driving in heavy traffic.