There are a number of types of personal injuries that a business can be liable for, as a business lawyer Danbury CT can turn to can attest. In the long term, most businesses find themselves subject to some personal injury claims. It is possible that  customers, employees and others on your premises can hold businesses liable for compensation if found negligent for injuries incurred. As a business owner, it is important to protect yourself from a claim by making your premises safe and obtaining insurance that protects from personal injury lawsuits.

Safety and Duty of Care

It is the responsibility of the business owner to ensure that all employees,  consumers and others are safe when on the property of the company. To protect the public when they come to your business, there are a series of responsibilities that the business owner must uphold. To prevent incidents, it is important to maintain your property in order to prevent injury. As a business it is important to maintain: structures that could be susceptible to injury with proper  handrails and staircases, maintaining parking lots in inclement weather, and preventing customers from sustaining slip and fall injuries. However, if an incident occurs make sure you have the correct insurance.

When an Accident Occurs on the Job

If an employee is involved in a car accident while on the job, they are normally covered under worker’s compensation. Despite this, if an employee is hurt in the accident, they may be  entitled to file a personal injury claim against the the business or another third party. Ensuring that the appropriate vehicle insurance is in place is a smart way to insure against and accident resulting in a personal claim. Similarly, a general liability policy will insure against accidents on your premises. Failure to have the appropriate insurance in the event of an injury, can be an incredible expense for a business.

Claims that are Petty

In most cases, an attorney will not take a case that is frivolous or small,   However, lawyers sometimes accept cases where there is not much evidence available to win the suit in search of a fast relatively small settlement. Larger businesses are more susceptible to such claims than smaller ones. Claims that are frivolous or small  can be expensive to business in the aggregate. Sometimes, when a business is settles with a claimant, they risk a rise in insurance costs.

When it comes to personal injury claims, it is important to evaluate your insurance on a regular basis. Without the appropriate insurance in place, a business’s future could be put at risk of serious financial issues if a personal lawsuit is successful. As a business owner, it is important to safeguard your business  from financial ruin by acquiring the appropriate insurance and retaining a personal injury lawyer for their experience and know-how.

Thanks to our friends and contributors from Sweeney Legal for their insight into business law.