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(470) 558-0495If you are looking for a chemical burn lawyer in Atlanta, Ga then you have come to the right place. Attorney Andrew R. Lynch, P.C. is an Attorney At Law who focuses on chemical burn cases. It’s important to understand what to do when you have come into contact with a harmful substance causing you a chemical burn injury. Depending on where the chemical burn occurred or what substance you came in contact with you may be entitled to compensation. Therefore you should consult legal counsel in the event that this chemical burn has occurred.
Chemical burns can happen to anybody. They sometimes occur at home when someone comes into contact with cleaning supplies. However, they are much more likely to occur in the workplace, especially if you are working around chemicals. It’s always important to check the labelling on any goods or products you possess or are working with. Chemical burns are rarely a burn that is fatal, but they can cause long lasting hindrances and irritations to a person. Some areas that chemical burns typically occur are on hands, arms, eyes and the face as these are generally the areas most in contact with potentially harmful substances.
Chemical burns are the result of coming into contact with a liquid or form that causes irritation to the skin as burns. The chemical burns can also cause damage and irritation to other parts of the body depending on where the chemical burn occurred. The chemicals that can burn you range from simple home cleaning supplies to chemicals used by machines. Some of those known substances are:
If you have come into contact with any of these substances and have burns you should seek out legal advice as you may be entitled to compensation. You can contact the chemical burn lawyer in Atlanta, Ga, Andrew R. Lynch, P.C. at (470)558-0495.
Chemical burns can cause long lasting injury or scarring. Some people have reported numbing sensations around the chemical burns as well as redness or tingling. If the chemical has reached your eyes then it can cause irritation and difficulty seeing. Coughs and shortness of breath have also been reported. It’s important to seek help immediately if you are experiencing any of these symptoms from chemical burns. If the burn is severe enough it could cause irrevocable damage to skin or vision if occurred in the eyes.
If you have come into contact with a substance causing you bodily harm in the form of a chemical burn then you may be entitled to compensation and should seek legal counsel. Andrew R. Lynch, P.C. is also skilled in the way of burn injury lawyer in Atlanta, Ga. If you believe you have come into contact with a harmful substance causing you a burn please contact us on our website or contact a chemical burn lawyer in Atlanta, Ga.