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Big Truck Wreck, DeKalb County


Big Truck Wreck, DeKalb County

G.F. was driving to work on Georgia Highway 400 when a large semi-truck, for no apparent reason, pulled into his lane and accelerated into the rear of G.F.’s car. G.F.’s vehicle was totaled, but G.F. made it through the wreck in one piece. G.F. was seen immediately at a local emergency room and sent home.

After receiving follow up care from his local doctor in Lithonia, Georgia, G.F. was focused on returning to work and letting his personal injury case run its course. G.F. immediately filed suit in DeKalb County State Court. As the case neared trial, the truck driver’s insurance company contacted Andrew R. Lynch, P.C. and asked to settle the case. G.F. was able to recover $26,000 while focusing on getting back to work and taking care of his family.