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(470) 558-0495If you have been in an accident, discuss your situation with a reliable truck accident lawyer Atlanta GA injury victims and their families can rely on to provide an exceptional level of service during their times of need. Here at Andrew R. Lynch, P.C. we possess a proven record of success in assisting our clients who have been injured in truck accidents. We work to help our clients recover the compensation they need and deserve and are well prepared to advocate for you throughout every step of the process so you can both recover physically and financially.
The National Trial Lawyers Organization has named Andrew R. Lynch, P.C. as one of the Top 100 Trial Lawyers in Georgia every year since 2013. Additionally, Andrew has recovered over $90 million in dollars in judgments and settlements for his clients. At Andrew R. Lynch, P.C. we focus our legal practice towards representing people who were hurt in motor vehicle wrecks, including truck and tractor-trailer accidents, and wrongful death cases in addition to many other specializations.
Cases such as these are many times catastrophic. Catastrophic injuries cause severe and occasionally permanent damage to the body. What this means is that the long-term effects of a trucking accident can cause loss of mobility, and also loss of your basic motor skills. Your life may suffer significant changes, in addition to several surgeries and rehabilitation after the accident. In these cases, it is best to have experienced counsel. While they will seek compensation for the unforeseen needs of the injured, the right attorney will help pursue financial relief to the family immediately affected by this tragedy. With thorough work and commitment, trucking accident Attorney Andrew R. Lynch will ensure those affected recovers what was loss to them. Attorney Andrew R. Lynch has a great deal of knowledge in catastrophic personal injury cases. Due to the enduring injuries succeeding trucking accidents precisely, it is best to speak with a trucking accident lawyer in Atlanta such as Andrew Lynch. He will guarantee you proper representation and will work diligently to help you or your loved one receive the coverage and compensation deserved.
No matter the amount of money obtained in these sorts of cases, there is no dollar amount that can undo what you have suffered. However, having a skilled attorney fight for you and represent you in your time of recovery can lessen the extremities of the pain when concerning any hurt or inconvenience found in your trucking accident. Money will not take the hurt and physical or emotional trauma away, but it can be the closest thing to making a trucking accident victim feel whole again. Having a trucking accident lawyer in Atlanta that can negotiate settlements or claims with the insurance company of the liable person or entity, will assist with much unexpected and overwhelming financial obligations. Medical expenses are just one unforeseen responsibility of many when concerning a trucking accident. A successful settlement could handle previous and ongoing medical expenses, as well as compensate you and your family for any loss income, and materialistic repairs that have also been affected in your trucking accident.
Victims of trucking accidents are equally entitled to receive compensation for all damages just as a victim in any personal injury case, and even for pain and suffering. In addition to physical pain and associated bills that were accumulated, victims may also be awarded recovery for any form of emotional distress and simple loss of peace. Loss of peace varies from raising your children, your sexual relationship with your spouse or partner, playing sports, or engaging in everyday social and normal activities. Anything that you or a loved one lost as a result of the trucking accident you should be rewarded for. While these things cannot be measured, working with an experienced trucking accident Attorney like Andrew R. Lynch, all of these aspects will be considered throughout the negotiation process. Attorney Andrew R. Lynch will help you or your loved one gain financial compensation for your trucking accident injuries and affects, so that you and your loved ones can work toward moving forward.
Attorney Andrew R. Lynch is a well-qualified trucking accident lawyer in Atlanta that has had many efficacious cases that have been negotiated and even tried on behalf of his clients. While you will never be able to predict the extent of any probable injuries involving private motorists or commercial vehicles, trucking accident injuries and cases are very demanding and therefore require you will need a demanding attorney.
While there are many dangers posed by large commercial vehicles, the driver of the commercial vehicle does not cause every accident. Some are the fault of other motorists, while some are based on the maneuverability of the trucks. Often, when concerning a trucking accident, the responsibility is frequently placed on the truck driver due to the simple fact that there are multiple factors that can lead up to an accident. The truck driver may be suffering from sleep deprivation, insufficient training, and impractical schedules that may rush the driver.
Drivers of average vehicles sometime have the tendency to change lanes without giving notice, they may also change lanes in front of a truck with very little notice, more often than not there are also cases when drivers ride in the blind spot of these larger vehicles. There is an increased risk of accidents being caused with larger trucks by average motorists when these seemingly minor things happen. Due to various influences of a trucking accident, you will need a trucking accident lawyer in Atlanta, such as Andrew R. Lynch, who is familiar will every aspect of these sorts of accidents.
As a result of trucking accidents and the injuries that may cause, many of the claims are often settled without ever going to a courtroom. Insurance companies that are held liable would rather control the amount of their losses that go into a courtroom and risk the possibility of a larger verdict. If you or a loved one has suffered an awful injury and a trucking accident lawyer in Atlanta, it is best to speak with someone with experience as soon as possible.
Due to the extreme forces involved in accidents between passenger vehicles and commercial trucks, these accidents tend to be devastating for everyone involved. At Andrew R. Lynch, P.C. we specialize in representing those who were injured or suffered as a result of a truck accident, and have the knowledge and experience to advocate for you in the process of pursuing compensation you need in order to make a recovery. Our team will stand up to trucking insurance companies, making them aware that you are not willing to settle for less than what is deserved.
Commonly classified as being “economic” or “noneconomic”, compensatory economic damages generally tend to be more physical, quantifiable damages. Noneconomic damages are less easily assigned a dollar amount, involving things such as emotional experiences that caused pain, suffering, or trauma.
We are prepared to help you pursue compensation after being involved in a truck accident where you sustained an injury or incurred damages to personal property. Regardless of the severity, an accident between a small vehicle and a truck accident can drastically alter the trajectory of your life. The primary intention of compensatory damages in a personal injury case is to help make recovery expenses less financially impactful. The job of our Atlanta, GA truck accident lawyer is to aid in developing an effective strategy to pursue and obtain compensation awards to help cover current bills, future expenses associated with damages sustained in the accident.
When it comes to proving fault, a truck accident attorney Atlanta GA trusts may be crucial in your case. Your lawyer may use his team to gather evidence, interview witnesses, and analyze police records.
Your case won’t just rely only on the information you give, but also on outside evidence and witness testimonies. All of this may come together to prove that the truck driver was solely or mostly at fault for the accident. If you have any questions about the process, let your truck accident attorney in Atlanta GA know.
Any truck accident attorney Atlanta GA provides may tell you that you may still be able to sue the truck driver even if you were partially at fault for the accident. To sue the driver, your lawyer may look at how much of the fault lies with the truck driver and focus solely on that in order to build your case.
It’s important to note that in some cases, you may be able to sue the trucking company or other parties — rather than the truck driver — for damages, depending on the specific circumstances around your case.
There are some cases where it’s easier to say that the truck driver did something to cause or contribute to the accident. A truck accident attorney Atlanta GA residents rely on may be able to discuss this in further detail.
If the driver did one or more of the following things, they may be at least partially at fault for the accident:
Your lawyer may look at all of the details at the scene of the accident and gather witness statements to find one or more of the reasons listed above to prove the truck driver was liable for the accident at least in part.
After suffering serious injury, catastrophic property damage and there is a general suspicion that negligent behaviors of the truck operator were a contributing factor, it will be helpful to consult with an experienced Atlanta, GA truck accident lawyer from Andrew R. Lynch, P.C.. We are here to serve as your advocate throughout every step of the process and will serve you diligently with the goal of getting the compensation you need to recover from your losses.