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(470) 558-0495Car Wreck Trial, DeKalb County
C.M. was turning right on Highway 78 in Stone Mountain, Georgia when two cars racing each other crested the hill and plowed into his Ford Explorer, sending his car rolling. C.M. needed the “jaws of life” to be removed from the vehicle.
C.M. hired Andrew R., Lynch, pc and went to court against the racecar driver and State Farm Insurance. State Farm correctly pointed out C.M. was cited by the DeKalb County Police for improper right-hand turn and refused to pay any money to C.M.
Andrew R Lynch, pc refused to accept this result. C.M. went to trial and after C.M.’s jury heard from an independent witness Andrew R. Lynch, P.C.’s investigation found, they returned a verdict in his client’s favor for $17,000.