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(470) 558-0495Policy Limit Settlement – Auto Wreck, DeKalb County
M.B. was driving down a country road on the west side of metro Atlanta when a delivery food driver ran a stop sign and drove him off the road. M.B. wrecked into a tree but thought he would be okay once the shock of the wreck wore off. Within days of the wreck, M.B. noticed his previously surgically repaired right knee was not okay.
M.B. followed up with his orthopedic surgeon where he found out the wreck broke his artificial knee and dislodged the screw that was working as his knee’s hinge. M.B. worked with the other driver’s insurance company to have the medical bills the wreck had caused paid for, without an attorney. However, the insurance company refused to admit they should pay anything.
M.B. hired Andrew R. Lynch, P.C. Andrew was able to get M.B. $100,000, which was the full insurance limits available. With more work, Andrew was also able to find an insurance policy M.B.’s wife had paid for that provided M.B. with another $60,000 in recovery damages. M.B.’s total recovery for his case was $160,000