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(470) 558-0495Premises Liability, Trip and Fall, DeKalb County
G.P. was shopping at a large Fortune 500 department store. After finishing her shopping, she left the store and tripped in the parking lot over an inadequately repaired drainpipe.
Although G.P. thought all was fine, she reported her fall to the store. As months passed it became apparent that the fall had damaged her previously surgically corrected back. G.P. had to undergo more surgery to fix her back.
She thought could handle her claim on her own as she only wanted her medical bills covered by the responsible department store. The Defendant offered G.P., just days before the statute of limitations expired, $50,000 to just go away. G.P. called Andrew to discuss accepting this offer. Andrew took her case and within a matter of months the case resolved for $600,000 and $80,000 in gift cards.