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Total Recovery – DUI Car Wreck, DeKalb County


Total Recovery – DUI Car Wreck, DeKalb County

Teenage sister’s R.F. and T.F. were visiting DeKalb County from Austin, Texas. While driving on Memorial Drive in Decatur, Georgia, a car ran through a red light and struck their vehicle.

The driver of the other car was immediately seen displaying the characteristics of a drunk driver. The DeKalb County Police arrived and found the other driver at fault but did not charge him with DUI.

The sisters hired Andrew R. Lynch, P.C. prior to going back home to Texas. Andrew used to work in the DeKalb County Courthouse and knew where to look for the other driver’s prior DUI records. Andrew also knew how to establish that this driver was in fact drunk driving when he hit his clients’ car.

The insurance company, realizing that their case involved a DUI even without the police charging their client with DUI, settled with the sisters for a total of $84,000, which covered their college tuition in Texas.