Time Limit To File a Lawsuit

  If you were the victim of an injury that was caused by someone else, you probably are wondering how you can be compensated for your injuries. Filing a lawsuit may be your best option to achieve exactly this. However,…

Medical Malpractice Reform: Pros and Cons

Thousands of medical malpractice cases are filed against individual doctors and hospitals each year in the United States. This number has had a serious effect on physicians and surgeons who require insurance protection against such actions. Some believe that medical…

Accident Negligence Defined

Accident Negligence Defined Being able to identify when someone else’s actions can be considered negligent is important if you are involved in an accident. When faced with negligence, you can usually collect compensation from their insurance company, or through a…

Financial Nursing Home Abuse

  When people think of abuse, one of the most common kinds they think of is likely physical abuse. Although physical abuse is one of the more common types of abuse seen at a nursing home, you may be worried…

Meconium Aspiration

Meconium Aspiration After nine months of preparing and waiting, there can be nothing more devastating for parents to hear that their newborn has suffered a birth injury. If your child has suffered injuries during labor or delivery due to medical…

Common Theft Defenses

    If you have recently been charged with theft, you probably feel overwhelmed and scared. You worry about the potential consequences it may have on your future employment, housing situation and personal relationships. However, if you hire an experienced…