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(470) 558-0495When we buy something, we need to be able to trust the person selling to us to tell the truth. When a company sells you something fraudulently, they are breaking the law. Decatur, DeKalb County Attorney Andrew Lynch can help you fight back against consumer fraud, and right the wrongs that a seller may make against you.
According to the Official Code of Georgia § 10-1-393(a), “Unfair or deceptive acts or practices in the conduct of consumer transactions and consumer acts or practices in trade or commerce are declared unlawful.” This law requires sellers and service providers to maintain a standard of honesty when interacting with customers. However, to establish a claim of consumer fraud, there must be evidence of a physical injury in addition to the act of deception. Consumer fraud involves dishonesty and is both a moral and legal violation when such injury and deception occur.
If you have experienced any of the following, then you may have a consumer fraud case:
These are just a few of the many situations that can lead to a successful consumer fraud case. Do not stand for being lied to. If you discover that you are a victim of consumer fraud, contact Andrew Lynch in Decatur, DeKalb County, Georgia for a free consultation, and help hold businesses to the standard of the law.
As a consumer in Georgia and throughout the United States, you have the legal right to truthful information about products and services you purchase or wish to purchase. Both state and federal legislation regulate advertisements including any type of misleading, deceptive, or false claims made by a business about the purpose, quality, or price of the product or service. Even so misleading or false advertisement does happen, and when it does, significant financial fraud or injury can occur. The fraud lawyers at Andrew R. Lynch, P.C., Attorney at Law have been acting as legal advocates for individuals who have been defrauded by companies of all sizes. If you believe you have been the victim of fraud, please call a consumer fraud attorney in Decatur GA.
Many consumer fraud cases involve small to moderate damages and are resolved in a short period of time. Other cases are very complex, include a physical injury from a hazardous product, and require extensive investigation and a very strong defense. There are also fraud cases that involve multiple people who have been similarly defrauded and wish to bring forth a claim, (i.e. class action lawsuit) against the company (ies) to obtain monetary compensation.
As a consumer fraud attorney in Decatur GA, each member of our firm have handled many cases involving fraud. Some of the most common types of fraud that we see on a regular basis include:
False or Deceptive Advertising – This is the leading reason for consumer fraud complaints to be filed. While a business is able to advertise a product or service in a positive light, and exaggerate to a certain extent, it is possible that their claims evolve into consumer fraud. Sometimes a consumer fraud attorney in Decatur GA can be consulted for advice on whether or not a lawsuit can be filed.
Unfair Pricing – Consumer fraud might be applicable when a business implements unfair pricing schemes to sell a product or service. An example of this is advertising one price and then selling it for another at the store. Concealing certain costs of a purchase, such as processing costs, might also constitute as being consumer fraud.
Selling Unsafe Products – When a business sells defective products, they could be accountable for consumer fraud, negligence, personal injury, and more. This type of fraud case is typically overseen by a Decatur GA consumer fraud attorney.
Internet Fraud – As internet based commerce grows, so too does online fraud. Some of these schemes are updated versions of popular scams and others rely on new technology to take advantage of people. One example of internet fraud is the Nigerian Prince scam. In this an email is sent to a person that tells them money is being held in a foreign bank account and can be released upon making a payment or providing information about the victims current bank account. When the victim follows through with the request, the fraudster can use the information to steal money from his or her bank account. These types of cases can be difficult to pursue, especially when international parties are involved. If you suspect you are the victim of internet fraud, please call our law firm for further advice.
Unfair Terms and Conditions – If a business has included terms and conditions of a product or service that are deemed to be unfair, they may be committing fraud. An example of this is a business using personal information in a way that the victim would not have allowed had they been aware of the T&Cs.
If you are a consumer who has been affected by a fraudulent business, you may be able to recover compensation To speak with a consumer fraud attorney Decatur GA clients recommend at Andrew R. Lynch, P.C., Attorney at Law, please call today.
A trusted Decatur, GA consumer fraud attorney understands that discovering that you’ve fallen victim to consumer fraud can be distressing and disheartening. However, it’s crucial to take immediate action to protect yourself and seek a resolution. It is important to know what you should do following a consumer fraud incident and to speak with a lawyer you can trust from Andrew R. Lynch, P.C..
Being a victim of consumer fraud can be distressing, but taking immediate and strategic action is crucial to mitigate the damage and seek resolution. However, to pursue a legal claim for consumer fraud, it is important to note that evidence of a physical injury caused by the fraudulent act is required. Gathering evidence, contacting the company involved, disputing unauthorized charges, reporting the fraud to authorities, and seeking legal advice are all essential steps to protect yourself and address the situation. Remember to stay vigilant about your financial accounts and online security to prevent future fraud incidents. When you are ready, reach out to a trusted Decatur consumer fraud attorney from Andrew R. Lynch, P.C. to see how we can help today.