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Georgia Institutional Sexual Abuse Attorney

The Official Code of Georgia Section 16-6-5.1 discusses the sexual offense that is “sexual assault by any person who has supervisory or disciplinary authority over another individual; sexual assault by a practitioner of psychotherapy against patient”. Unfortunately, institutional sexual assault is very common. If you have been a victim of institutional sexual assault or know someone who has been sexually assaulted by any nurse, doctor, or employee in a mental facility, it is best to speak with an institutional sexual abuse attorney in Georgia. The right attorney will understand your rights as a victim and be able to assist you in a pursuit of a civil lawsuit.

Tragically, medical professionals and employees in these facilities are not entirely different from any common person on the street. While it is expected that these employees will take good care of their patients, it is easy to take advantage of sometimes very defenseless individuals. If you know or suspect that your loved one has been sexually assaulted in a hospital or psychiatric facility be sure to contact law enforcement and inform them of your suspicions immediately. After collecting all records or documentation relating to the sexual abuse contact an institutional sexual abuse attorney in Georgia.

While it is natural to pursue a civil suit against the defendant in these cases, sexual abuse cases typically influence both criminal charges and a civil lawsuit. Law enforcement will take care of the criminal case with the prosecutor’s office in which the offense took place, but an institutional sexual abuse attorney in Georgia will be able to file the civil lawsuit against the institutional facility and accused party.

For many abused patients, it is not until a family member or loved one realizes something different in a victim that a report is made. Unfortunately, abuse can go on for a while before anyone is ever made informed. The physical pain and suffering, in addition to the emotional trauma a patient suffers due to sexual abuse by an employee or medical professional of the mental facility they were a patient at will assist in determining what can be rewarded to a victim and their loved one. And without an institutional sexual abuse attorney in Georgia in your corner, this battle is much harder to fight.

A criminal prosecution will increase the chances of a successful civil lawsuit, as the results of these cases assist in proving that the accused is in fact liable for the sexual abuse done to a patient. Sexual abusers may also take advantage of medical diagnosis’s as to discredit the victim based on their mental illness. Placing a loved one in a mental health facility may be a hard decision to make, realizing that they are also suffering from sexual abuse is an even harder pill to swallow. Speak with an institutional sexual abuse attorney in Georgia as soon as possible so that you and your family’s lives’ can be put at ease at least knowing that someone is fighting to ensure that you are compensated for the harm done to your loved one.

Call Andrew R. Lynch, P.C., we are ready to help you.