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(470) 558-0495If you suffered a second degree burn from someone else’s negligence, you should consult a second degree burn injury lawyer Atlanta, GA residents trust. You may be entitled to compensation. A lawyer can help you file a timely claim and protect your legal rights.
A second degree burn is typically three inches or less in diameter and affects the outer layer of skin and the next layer, the dermis. These burns are usually wet-looking, have an irregular pattern, and either very deep red or very deep brown in color.
As a second degree burn injury lawyer in Atlanta, GA can confirm, while some second degree burns are relatively minor, others are life-threatening and require immediate medical attention. These burns are more dangerous when they affect the face, feet, buttocks, hands, or genitals.
Second degree burns less than three inches in diameter can typically be treated at home. Here are the steps to take:
If your burn is more severe, you should go to the emergency room right away.
If you sustained a second degree burn due to another person’s carelessness, you have the right to pursue compensation. If your burn is severe enough, you may need skin grafting and reconstructive surgery, which can get very expensive. You may also suffer self-image issues, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder from the burns.
A burn injury lawyer in Atlanta, GA can help you file a timely lawsuit against the negligent party and gather the evidence you need for a successful case.
Schedule a consultation with a second degree burn injury lawyer at Andrew R. Lynch, P.C. in Atlanta, GA today.