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(470) 558-0495Choosing a daycare for your little one is one of life’s most important choices. You need to have faith and confidence in the people you choose to care for your most precious family members. But what if you ask the right questions and you do all the right research and your child still gets injured at daycare.
What do you do if you pick up your child one day and something doesn’t seem quite right. It is possible your baby or toddler may have sustained a fall. Sometimes daycare providers will tell parents about a fall, but if there isn’t a noticeable bruise or mark, they may forget to tell you or purposely neglect to tell you. Brain injury could be the cause of your child’s different behavior. Sometimes your child can’t speak well enough to tell you what has happened. Be alert for the signs.
Babies and small children may not be able to tell you what is wrong, or if they are in pain and where the pain is. As parents, you know your child and are the best gauge of whether their behavior is abnormal. If you suspect your young child has sustained a fall, it is imperative to seek medical attention and have your child’s symptoms evaluated right away.
A Georgia brain injury attorney is familiar with cases in which there are circumstances where parents waited to seek medical attention for their young child and the injuries become worse or longer-lasting. If you have questions, our caring attorneys are here for you. Call Andrew R. Lynch, P.C. if you have concerns and aren’t sure what to do next. But remember, with suspected brain injury, it is always best to err on the side of caution and see a doctor as soon as you suspect a fall has occurred.
There are three different types of brain injury: mild, moderate and severe. Often it takes time, observation, and medical tests to determine the extent of a brain injury, especially in the case of children too young to communicate well. Hopefully, your child’s brain injury is mild and the symptoms disappear within a few days.
In the case of moderate to severe brain injury, the situation can be much more complicated and lengthy. It takes time to assess the long-term effects of a brain injury. In more serious cases, having an experienced law firm on your side is paramount. We understand the ins and outs of hospitals, insurance, and have extensive legal experience investigating and prosecuting negligent daycare firms.
Call Andrew R. Lynch, P.C. today to talk with a Georgia brain injury attorney so we can help provide the help and peace of mind you need so that you can focus on your child’s recovery.