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Decatur Truck Accident Lawyer

Top Rated Decatur, GA Truck Accident Lawyer

If you ask a Decatur, GA truck accident lawyer about a collision in which you suffered injuries, they will likely tell you that a successful claim hinges on determining liability. In a typical truck accident, there are many factors that can complicate the process of proving fault. Very often success is dependent on working with an experienced truck accident lawyer Decatur motorists trust. Andrew R. Lynch, P.C. is such an attorney. When working with clients who were injured in a truck accident, he knows how to quickly discern who was at fault, and who should be held responsible. He offers victims a brief, no-cost case review. This is an opportunity to learn more about whether or not he feels you have a valid claim and who might be held responsible for paying your accident-related damages.

If you’ve been injured in a truck accident, it is time to connect with a driver fatigue truck accident lawyer Decatur, GA residents trust. Both the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) have conducted extensive studies regarding the causation of truck accidents in the U.S. These government agencies analyze crash data regularly, in order to better determine both what causes these collisions to occur and what can be done to prevent additional crashes from occurring in the future. According to federal data provided by these agencies, it is estimated that more than one out of every 10 injurious truck accidents that occurs in the U.S. is associated with driver fatigue. This is perhaps unsurprising, given that Americans regularly push themselves to work hard and play hard, which is an approach to life and work that tends to result in the sacrifice of healthy rest periods. Additionally, the trucking industry is notorious for pushing its drivers to operate their vehicles while fatigued in order to better serve the bottom line of the trucking companies themselves.

As this data and these trends clearly illustrate, if you have recently been injured in an accident involving a drowsy truck driver or a drowsy motorist, you certainly aren’t alone. If you are unsure of whether fatigue played a role in your recent injurious accident involving a large commercial truck, the experienced Georgia legal team at the law offices of Andrew R. Lynch, P.C. can help you to uncover the truth regarding the circumstances surrounding your accident. Unfortunately, chances are good that fatigue did factor into your accident’s occurrence to some degree or another.

Preparing a Successful Fatigue-Related Truck Accident Injury Case

If fatigue played a role in the causation of your recent collision, our firm’s Decatur truck wreck lawyer and support staff will thoroughly investigate whether that fatigue was, in any way, the result of trucking employment practices. If so, you may be in a position to sue the trucking company that employs a truck operator involved in your crash in addition to the truck operator individually. We will also not take any other factor in play for granted. Meaning, you may be in a position to sue a manufacturer of a defective auto part that contributed to the crash, the government agency tasked with maintaining the road you crashed on, and/or anyone else whose negligence, recklessness, and/or intentional conduct may have contributed to the cause of your injuries. We will do everything we can to hold those responsible for your accident accountable for the harm you’ve suffered.

Why You Need a Decatur Truck Accident Lawyer

Busy highways are typical in Decatur, and teeming with large commercial trucks and tractor-trailers. With an increase in the number of large trucks operating on busy roadways comes a greater possibility of severe or life-threatening motor vehicle accidents. Unfortunately, truck drivers have deliveries and deadlines, and often have a financial incentive to drive fast. However, when truck or tractor-trailer drivers operate their vehicles carelessly or recklessly, they can trigger serious accidents, which in turn lead to extensive injuries and damages.

You May Need to File a Lawsuit

If you or a loved one has an injury due to a truck accident, you may be able to recover monetary compensation. The first step is to file a claim against the trucking company. If their insurance company refuses to offer a sufficient settlement amount for your injury claim, you may need to file a lawsuit against both the negligent driver and trucking company. The attorneys and legal professionals at Andrew R. Lynch, P.C. have fought trucking companies and their insurance companies for years and we can advocate for you to ensure you get the compensation you deserve. For a consultation with a Decatur truck accident lawyer, call our firm today.

How Andrew R. Lynch, P.C. Can Help with Truck Accident Claims in Decatur

Truck accidents are among the most devastating types of motor vehicle collisions, often resulting in severe injuries, significant property damage, and even fatalities. The aftermath of a truck accident can be overwhelming, but Andrew R. Lynch, P.C. is here to help you navigate the legal complexities and secure the compensation you deserve. Here’s how our experienced team can assist you:

Comprehensive Investigation

A thorough investigation is crucial for building a strong truck accident claim. Our team will:

  • Gather Evidence: Collect crucial evidence such as police reports, witness statements, and photographs from the accident scene.
  • Analyze Data: Examine data from the truck’s black box, GPS systems, and maintenance records to determine the cause of the accident.
  • Consult Experts: Work with accident reconstruction specialists, medical professionals, and other experts to build a compelling case.

Identifying Liable Parties

Truck accidents often involve multiple parties who may share responsibility. We will identify all potentially liable parties, including:

  • Truck Drivers: For negligent driving behaviors such as speeding, distracted driving, or driving under the influence.
  • Trucking Companies: For improper hiring practices, inadequate training, or failure to maintain vehicles.
  • Manufacturers: If a defect in the truck or its components contributed to the accident.
  • Other Parties: Such as cargo loaders or maintenance providers if their actions played a role in the accident.

Dealing with Insurance Companies

Insurance companies often attempt to minimize payouts. Our experienced attorneys will:

  • Handle Communications: Manage all interactions with insurance adjusters to protect your rights.
  • Negotiate Settlements: Strive to secure a fair settlement that covers medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other damages.
  • Litigate if Necessary: Prepare to take your case to court if a fair settlement cannot be reached through negotiations.

Maximizing Compensation

Our goal is to ensure you receive the maximum compensation for your injuries and losses. We will pursue damages for:

  • Medical Expenses: Covering current and future medical costs related to the accident.
  • Lost Wages: Compensation for income lost due to your inability to work.
  • Pain and Suffering: Monetary awards for physical pain, emotional distress, and reduced quality of life.
  • Property Damage: Costs associated with repairing or replacing your vehicle and other personal property.

Personalized Legal Support

At Andrew R. Lynch, P.C., we understand that every case is unique. We provide personalized legal support by:

  • Listening to Your Story: Understanding your specific circumstances and concerns.
  • Developing a Tailored Strategy: Crafting a legal approach that addresses your individual needs and maximizes your chances of success.
  • Keeping You Informed: Providing regular updates on the progress of your case and answering any questions you may have.

Compassionate Advocacy

We recognize the emotional toll a truck accident can take on victims and their families. Our compassionate advocacy includes:

  • Supportive Guidance: Offering empathetic support throughout the legal process.
  • Holistic Assistance: Connecting you with medical professionals, rehabilitation services, and other resources to aid your recovery.

If you are looking for the best Trucking accident lawyer in Decatur, Georgia, it is ideal to speak with someone who has experience in that area. Attorney Andrew R. Lynch is one of the best Trucking accident lawyers in Decatur, Georgia, with both experience in the courtroom as well as receiving outstanding results for his clients. Attorney Andrew R. Lynch is a Trucking accident lawyer in Decatur, Georgia with skills in litigating, trying, and attaining excellent outcomes on behalf of his clients. If you have been involved in, or know someone who has been involved in a Trucking Accident, make sure they speak with a skilled attorney.

There are huge disproportions in the size of the vehicles when discussing an average vehicle and a fully-loaded Trucking Accident. Because of this, it is very likely that in Trucking Accident, the damage done to a victim in a smaller vehicle can be extremely devastating. Larger sized vehicles have a far more difficult time braking, turning, and even accelerating, not to mention the driver’s visibility may be slightly limited when compared to average sized vehicles. Since there are several possible outcomes regarding a Trucking Accident, it is best to speak with a Trucking accident lawyer in Decatur, Georgia, such as attorney Andrew R. Lynch, who has knowledge working with insurance companies and negotiating settlements.

Due to the size of the vehicle, the expectation for truck drivers’ roadway etiquette is far higher than other drivers. If there is a Trucking Accident of any sort, the trucking company and its insurance company will be held liable, and will therefore be responsible for reimbursing you for any accumulated injuries, loss wages, and possibly pain and suffering.

According to statistics gathered by the Bureau of Transportation there were an estimate of 4,847,000 truck crashes, 833,000 injured persons, 10,480 fatalities in the year of 2015. Since there are several things that can cause a Trucking Accident, the truck driver may not always be deemed at fault. Many are in fact caused by unanticipated road hazards or even the carelessness of another driver. Amongst those factors, at times the size or cargo being carried may increase the dangers of the accident.

Smaller car accidents may cause similar injuries to Trucking Accident. However, because of the many factors involved in trucking accidents, the injuries accrued can be far more extreme, sometime permanent, and there are larger chances of death.

Common Trucking Accident Injuries

  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Serious head injuries
  • Serious broken bone injuries
  • Internal injuries
  • Seat Belt injuries
  • Toxic exposure injuries (spilled cargo)
  • Wrongful Death

Cases such as these are many times catastrophic. Catastrophic injuries cause severe and occasionally permanent damage to the body. What this means is that the long-term effects of a Trucking Accident can cause loss of mobility, and also loss of your basic motor skills. Your life may suffer significant changes, in addition to several surgeries and rehabilitation after the accident. In these cases, it is best to have experienced counsel. While they will seek compensation for the unforeseen needs of the injured, the right attorney will help pursue financial relief to the family immediately affected by this tragedy. With thorough work and commitment, Trucking Accident Attorney Andrew R. Lynch will ensure those affected recovers what was loss to them. Attorney Andrew R. Lynch has a great deal of knowledge in catastrophic personal injury cases. Due to the enduring injuries succeeding Trucking Accidents precisely, it is best to speak with a Trucking accident lawyer in Decatur, Georgia such as Andrew Lynch. He will guarantee you proper representation and will work diligently to help you or your loved one receive the coverage and compensation deserved.

No matter the amount of money obtained in these sorts of cases, there is no dollar amount that can undo what you have suffered. However, having a skilled attorney fight for you and represent you in your time of recovery can lessen the extremities of the pain when concerning any hurt or inconvenience found in your Trucking Accident. Money will not take the hurt and physical or emotional trauma away, but it can be the closest thing to making a Trucking Accident victim feel whole again. Having a Trucking accident lawyer in Decatur, Georgia that can negotiate settlements or claims with the insurance company of the liable person or entity, will assist with much unexpected and overwhelming financial obligations. Medical expenses are just one unforeseen responsibility of many when concerning a Trucking Accident. A successful settlement could handle previous and ongoing medical expenses, as well as compensate you and your family for any loss income, and materialistic repairs that have also been affected in your Trucking Accident.

Victims of Trucking Accidents are equally entitled to receive compensation for all damages just as a victim in any personal injury case, and even for pain and suffering. In addition to physical pain and associated bills that were accumulated, victims may also be awarded recovery for any form of emotional distress and simple loss of peace. Loss of peace varies from raising your children, your sexual relationship with your spouse or partner, playing sports, or engaging in everyday social and normal activities. Anything that you or a loved one lost as a result of the Trucking Accident you should be rewarded for. While these things cannot be measured, working with an experienced Trucking Accident Attorney like Andrew R. Lynch, all of these aspects will be considered throughout the negotiation process. Attorney Andrew R. Lynch will help you or your loved one gain financial compensation for your Trucking Accident injuries and affects, so that you and your loved ones can work toward moving forward.

Proven Legal Representation

Attorney Andrew R. Lynch is a well-qualified Trucking accident lawyer in Decatur, Georgia that has had many efficacious cases that have been negotiated and even tried on behalf of his clients. While you will never be able to predict the extent of any probable injuries involving private motorists or commercial vehicles, Trucking Accident injuries and cases are very demanding and therefore require you will need a demanding attorney.

While there are many dangers posed by large commercial vehicles, the driver of the commercial vehicle does not cause every accident. Some are the fault of other motorists, while some are based on the maneuverability of the trucks. Often, when concerning a Trucking Accident, the responsibility is frequently placed on the truck driver due to the simple fact that there are multiple factors that can lead up to an accident. The truck driver may be suffering from sleep deprivation, insufficient training, and impractical schedules that may rush the driver.

Drivers of average vehicles sometime have the tendency to change lanes without giving notice, they may also change lanes in front of a truck with very little notice, more often than not there are also cases when drivers ride in the blind spot of these larger vehicles. There is an increased risk of accidents being caused with larger trucks by average motorists when these seemingly minor things happen. Due to various influences of a Trucking Accident, you will need a Trucking accident lawyer in Decatur, Georgia, such as Andrew R. Lynch, who is familiar will every aspect of these sorts of accidents.

As a result of Trucking Accidents and the injuries that may cause, many of the claims are often settled without ever going to a courtroom. Insurance companies that are held liable would rather control the amount of their losses that go into a courtroom and risk the possibility of a larger verdict. If you or a loved one has suffered an awful injury and a Trucking accident lawyer in Decatur, Georgia, it is best to speak with someone with experience as soon as possible.

How Truck Drivers Could Be Negligent

Careless truck drivers put everyone else on the road at risk. Some of the common ways in which truck drivers are negligent include:

Breaking the law. Truck drivers may violate traffic laws by exceeding the posted speed limits, running red lights, or failing to yield the right-of-way at the appropriate times.

Distracted driving. Truck drivers often drive for hours on end, alone in their vehicle. As a consequence, they might make phone calls or text while driving. Distracted driving turns a driver’s attention away from the roadway, and that can be a recipe for disaster.

Driving while intoxicated. Truck or tractor-trailer drivers cannot lawfully operate their vehicles under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Alcohol or drug use can significantly impair a truck driver’s mental state and reaction time. In addition to consulting a Decatur truck accident lawyer about a lawsuit, if driving under the influence is a factor, criminal charges might be filed against the driver.

Cutting curves too sharply. Trucks and tractor-trailers typically need extra room to negotiate sharp turns and corners. Accidents can result when truck operators fail to follow the roadway markings or miscalculate a turning radius.

Fatigue. Many hours behind the wheel can lead to fatigue. Truck operators can also fall victim to “highway hypnosis” and may fall asleep at the wheel.

Abrupt lane changes. Large trucks have numerous blind spots and limited visibility. When truck operators try to change lanes too quickly, they can cause accidents.

Failing to assess road and weather conditions. When truck drivers fail to acknowledge road and weather-related hazards while operating their vehicles, they can significantly increase the chances of colliding with another motor vehicle.

Disobeying the state and federal motor carrier regulations. State and federal motor carrier regulations are in place to keep drivers safe and to keep unsafe vehicles off the road. If a driver violates these regulations, dangerous accidents can occur.

It is difficult to know what the cause of an accident is without investigating all of the details and mitigating factors.This is why it is so important to retain a Decatur truck accident lawyer as soon as possible.  If you have been involved in a truck or tractor-trailer accident, schedule a consultation with a Decatur truck accident lawyer from Andrew R. Lynch, P.C.. Our team of lawyers and legal professionals are ready to answer your questions and help you to understand your options.

Decatur Truck Accident Infographic

How Truck Drivers Could Be Negligent Infographic

The Damage That Truck Accidents Can Cause

Consulting with a Decatur truck accident lawyer may reveal just how common trucking accidents are in this country. In fact, in the last 20 years the occurrence of truck accidents has increased by about 20 percent. This results in thousands of deaths and even more injuries every year. While truck accidents only account for a small percentage of all motor vehicle accidents that cause injuries, the size and weight of the average truck can result in more devastation.

In addition to getting medical treatment immediately, it’s important to start the process of getting reimbursement right away. Filing a claim or lawsuit can be a time and energy consuming process. A skilled lawyer such as Andrew R. Lynch, P.C. will work to get you the maximum amount of compensation as quickly as possible. This can enable you to get the treatment you need without having to pay for it.

Truck Accidents and Liability

When you speak with a Decatur truck accident lawyer about your case, you may find that there are several potential parties who might be held responsible for your injuries. Every case is different, but some might include:

  • The truck driver.
  • The truck owner.
  • The company or person who leased the truck from its owner.
  • The manufacturer of the vehicle, the tires, or any other parts whose malfunctioning may have led to the accident.
  • Anyone responsible for the cargo, especially if improper loading led to the accident.
  • Learn more about Truck Accident Claims and Lawsuits

A skilled Decatur truck accident lawyer from our firm can build a case on your behalf against every party who contributed to causing your injury. This may include revisiting the accident scene and examining all related evidence. Andrew R. Lynch, P.C. can determine who should pay for your damages, including medical expenses, pain and suffering, and lost income or wages.

Unsafe Truck Driving Behaviors

Truck drivers are held to a higher standard of driving, due to being responsible for controlling a vehicle that can weigh 80,000 pounds when at full cargo capacity. Unsafe truck driver habits can put other vehicle drivers at a high risk for a wide range of mental, physical, and emotional injuries if an accident occurs. If a truck driver commits a violation of safety protocols, this should not go unreported. Truck drivers must take breaks after the maximum driving hours are reached, be certified in operating commercial vehicles, never drive impaired, and perform regular maintenance. If a truck driver fails to abide by these rules and causes an accident, a Decatur truck accident lawyer might advise filing a lawsuit.

Decatur Truck Accident Law FAQs

How are truck drivers supposed to prevent falling asleep at the wheel?

Truck drivers are required to rest after driving a maximum amount of hours. Breaks can help prevent fatigue or falling asleep at the wheel. Many drivers feel pressure to meet deadlines, and may skip a rest or two. Since their supervisors are probably not riding in the truck along with them, there is nobody to enforce the break requirement. To hide a violation of this safety protocol, a truck driver may record a false entry into their log book when having driven more hours at one time than they should have.

What kinds of certification does a truck driver need?

Truck drivers in Decatur must pass a series of tests including drug testing, a medical exam and obtain legitimate certification. If a driver is suspected to not have the qualifications to drive a commercial truck, he or she should be reported immediately. A driver lacking skills can be a serious threat to others when carrying heavy and potentially hazardous cargo, as any truck accident lawyer in Decatur likely knows.

What happens if a truck driver drives while under the influence?

Unfortunately, some truck drivers operate a vehicle under the influence of drugs or alcohol. In an effort to not fall asleep during the long hours, a driver may appeal to the idea of using illegal stimulants in order to stay alert. Those who are caught with drugs in their system while driving can face large fines and will likely have their commercial truck license revoked.

Are truck drivers responsible for regular upkeep of the truck?

The driver must seek regular maintenance and only use properly working equipment. The trucking company is also responsible for performing regular truck checkups and fixing any parts that need repairing. By driving a truck with imperfections or engine flaws, it will not only endanger the driver, but is also putting everyone else on the road in danger of harm. If a malfunctioning part leads to an accident, injured victims may want to speak with a Decatur truck accident lawyer about which parties could be held liable.

What should I do if I see a truck driver behaving unsafely?

If you see a truck driver swerving, appearing unstable, or not driving safely in any other way, call 9-1-1 and report the incident right away. Try to take down the license number if you can and get as far from the truck as possible so you are not in danger. Many trucks may have a sticker on the back of the trailer that lists a number to call to report driver recklessness. When witnessing a risky truck on the road, call authorities so the driver can be stopped before causing a serious and potentially fatal collision.

Why Choose Andrew R. Lynch, P.C.

Choosing the right attorney can make a significant difference in the outcome of your truck accident claim. Here’s why Andrew R. Lynch, P.C. is the right choice:

  • Experience and Expertise: Our attorneys have extensive experience handling complex truck accident cases.
  • Proven Track Record: We have a history of securing substantial settlements and verdicts for our clients.
  • Client-Centered Approach: We prioritize your well-being and work tirelessly to achieve the best possible outcome for your case.

If you or a loved one has been involved in a truck accident in Decatur, don’t face the challenges alone. Contact Andrew R. Lynch, P.C. today for a free consultation. Let us help you obtain the justice and compensation you deserve.

Truck Accident Glossary

If you’re dealing with the aftermath of a truck accident, a Decatur truck accident lawyer can offer the guidance you need. Understanding the legal terms and principles involved in a truck accident case can be crucial in making informed decisions about your rights and potential claims.


Liability is a core concept in any truck accident case, as it designates who is legally responsible for the damages resulting from the accident. When a truck accident occurs, determining liability involves identifying which parties are accountable for the incident and, therefore, for compensating the injured parties. The liable parties in a truck accident can range from the truck driver to the trucking company, and even third parties like maintenance providers or vehicle manufacturers. Each has a distinct role that may contribute to the cause of the accident, whether through direct actions, oversights, or failure to uphold industry standards. Liability affects who ultimately pays for the damages, such as medical bills, lost wages, and other associated costs.

The process of establishing liability in a truck accident often requires an investigation into various factors, including the condition of the truck, driver behavior, compliance with safety regulations, and possible violations of federal or state laws. By carefully assessing these aspects, we can pinpoint where the fault lies, holding the right parties responsible.


Negligence is the failure to exercise a reasonable level of care, leading to harm to another person. In the context of a truck accident, negligence could involve the truck driver engaging in risky behaviors like distracted driving, excessive speeding, or not adhering to rest requirements. It might also extend to the trucking company if they failed to perform proper vehicle maintenance or neglected to train their drivers adequately. When negligence is involved, it’s critical for us to document the behaviors or actions that led to the crash, as proving negligence is key to pursuing compensation.

In truck accident cases, we look for evidence that shows how the negligent actions contributed to the incident. This can include examining the truck’s maintenance logs, driver records, and even data from the truck’s electronic logging devices, which monitor aspects like speed and hours of operation. Establishing negligence is often essential to supporting a claim for damages, as it allows the injured party to seek compensation for the harm caused by careless or reckless behavior.


In truck accident cases, damages represent the monetary compensation awarded to the injured party. These damages aim to cover the losses suffered, ranging from medical expenses and lost wages to pain and suffering and property damage. Damages can be classified as economic or non-economic. Economic damages are the financial losses directly tied to the accident, such as hospital bills and loss of income, while non-economic damages cover intangible losses, like emotional distress.

To calculate damages, we assess all the ways the accident has impacted the victim’s life. This includes current and future medical needs, any reduced earning capacity if the injuries affect the person’s ability to work, and other expenses that may arise from the accident. Having a full understanding of damages helps ensure that injured individuals receive appropriate compensation for their recovery and well-being.

Comparative Fault

Comparative fault is a principle that allows for the sharing of responsibility between parties involved in an accident. If more than one party is found to have contributed to the incident, each can be assigned a percentage of fault. In practical terms, this means that if both a truck driver and another driver played a role in causing the accident, the court will allocate each party’s level of responsibility based on their actions leading to the crash.

In states that follow comparative fault rules, the percentage of fault attributed to each party can impact the damages they are eligible to receive. For example, if a victim is found 20% at fault for the accident, their damages award may be reduced by that percentage. Comparative fault ensures that each party’s contribution to the accident is recognized, which can be an important factor in determining the final compensation awarded.

Vicarious Liability

Vicarious liability is a legal principle that can hold an employer accountable for the actions of their employee, provided those actions were within the scope of employment. In truck accident cases, this often means that a trucking company can be held responsible for an accident caused by its driver, even if the driver acted negligently. This concept is particularly relevant in trucking accidents, where the driver may be a direct employee or contractor working under the company’s authority.

When vicarious liability applies, the trucking company may be liable for damages resulting from the accident, even if the driver’s actions were the immediate cause. This principle helps ensure that injured parties can pursue compensation not only from the driver but also from the company, which may have greater resources to cover the damages. Vicarious liability can be a crucial factor in securing a fair outcome for those affected by a truck accident.

If you’ve been impacted by a truck accident, reach out to us at Andrew R. Lynch, P.C.. We’re here to help you understand your options and work toward the compensation you deserve.

Contact Our Decatur Truck Accident Lawyer Today

When it comes to injury and accident claims, it’s important to work with an experienced legal representative. Your attorney should come prepared not just with the experience to help ensure you get the compensation you deserve, but also with genuine concern. For an attorney with these qualities, consider working with Andrew R. Lynch, P.C. To schedule a free consultation with a Decatur truck accident lawyer whose results speak for themselves, call him today.