Tainted Dog Food Leads to a Massive Lawsuit

Pet food recalls have been increasingly on the rise, so much so that many people are starting to become concerned about what they are feeding their pets. According to WJLA News, there have been recalls of at least 40 different…

Will Car Insurance Cover Medical Bills?

Car insurance policies provide several different types of coverage that will pay medical bills.  The two main sources of coverage are 1) specific medical payment coverage in the insurance policy for the car in which the injured person was occupying;…

How is negligence defined?

Unfortunately, many people are injured every year in car accidents caused by negligent driving. If you, or a loved one, has been injured in just such an accident, you need to know your rights. NEGLIGENCE Every state defines within its…

Poll Reveals Distressing Rise in Distracted Driving

Dallas News reports that distracted driving is on the rise, alongside accidents on the nation’s roads. The US Department of Transportation’s data shows in that in 2011, there were about 5.3 million accidents, and the figure jumped to close to…

The Legal Do’s and Don’ts of Depositions

Court Reporter Depositions typically take place at an attorney’s office with the assistance of reporter, like a court reporter, and are usually several hours. During a deposition, an attorney will ask you several different questions about a legal case. A…

How Important Are Seat Belts?

In the last thirty years, all the way across the country, states have been enforcing seat belt laws to assist with bringing down traffic fatalities. But are seat belts really that important, or do they contribute to more injuries than…

Personal Injury Settlements and Estate Planning

If you’ve won a personal injury settlement, this money could affect the value of your assets. This money could be immensely beneficial for accident victims, as any experienced personal injury lawyer could attest, but it’s wise to understand how a…